Wednesday, 27 October 2010

LeChatdOsiris® Vision About A "To Build" Worldwide Copyright Protection Organization!!

After a long time looking to what is going on about copyright, piracy, file-sharing, and download computing, it seems the right time to make a step about it, and to explain what we should do to help us to walk forward.

If we are referring again to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 27.(1) : "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits." & Article 27.(2): "Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author." we are in our righteous expectations to claim for a worldwide copyright protection organization to solve an all over the world problem...

Nowadays, many are fighting to sort out this real problem but are not successful. It really seems that there is a lack in our way to work it out, due to the worldwide problem!!

In looking more and more deeply but with an external look, a non-profit & non-governmental copyright protection organization should be the best way to work for artists and all of their rights. This "Copyright Care Center" as we can symbolically call it, should be related with the World Intellectual Property Organization with the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization and obviously, with every State in the world who want to join and work with this new copyright protection organization to solve the problem once and for all.

This "Copyright Care Center" should define the global framework and let the internal autonomy of implementation to each State to not interfere with the internal working laws of the countries, but at end, to homogenize & globalize the solution...

From now on, any scientific, literary or artistic production should be considered as a mankind patrimony, was it be good or not, and must be protected for our future and for all of the next generations to be consulted or to be used as a referring patrimony if we want or need to. It goes without saying that this scientific, literary or artistic production, usually called "The Works" stay the inalienable property of who is the author, and need an official acceptance and agreement of the author before disclosure. But, this scientific, literary or artistic production should be obviously protected de facto as a participation in the cultural life of the community.

To solve an all over the world problem requires to bring an all over the world solution!! Don't You??

And then, we should really think to build in the same way, an international artistic craft guild for the true and honest protection of every artistic workers and assimilated, to walk ahead and build a better world for the best of the world and each!!

With hope to have clarified some thoughts about what we should really do and to where we should really go...

Nicolas T. / LeChatdOsiris®

Wrote on 2010, October 28th.

All Rights Reserved All Countries / LeChatdOsiris® ©2010