Tuesday, 19 April 2011

We Want It Or Not - Position & Viewpoint of LeChatdOsiris® About "The Cloud"

We Want It Or Not - Position & Viewpoint of LeChatdOsiris® About "The Cloud"

If we want to keep things at a distance and to space out a little from the World Wide Web, and especially from the e-commerce, we are able to learn important things for the future, for our future, and for the way to use the World Wide Web for the business trading, the e-tailing and e-shopping.

Most of the time, we are running too fast, the head in front, and without looking at all beyond the end of our nose, and we do not see no more the obviousness…

To stay as basic as possible, what on the World Wide Web can be stolen, and what cannot?? Easy!! Yes!! Easy some can immediately think… “Everything can be stolen on the World Wide Web” most are answering!! We all have heard that from there…. Yes!! True, but not true!! Not true…

Music can be stolen on the World Wide Web, videos, ideas, pictures too… Yes… But, try to bring back home a pull-over, a lovely suitcase, or even more your favorite car…. No!! You can’t bring back home these lovely things you are so dreaming about without paying it in full, or contracting a credit line for them.

Yes!! Easy!! Now it’s easy!! Material things cannot be stolen directly through the World Wide Web, but all dematerialized things, all dematerialized contents can be stolen on the World Wide Web!! Yes!! Easy!! It’s easy now… Yes! You got it!!! Do not try to do online business or e-commerce with dematerialized contents if You won’t be stolen on the World Wide Web and can be paid for Your work, Your artwork or Your items!! Easy!! Yes!! It’s easy!! Now…

And this is why, the better thing to do for now, is to not produce dematerialized contents/items for selling on the World Wide Web, and consider all dematerialized contents/items as a marketing investment, for publicity and for promoting… Easy!! We can say now, Yes!! It’s easy!! Obviously!!

To push up the business’s wheel again, we still believe that the online streaming is a very good concept to develop in a near future, even if some try at the moment to push it down, and for all the dematerialized contents… We want it or not, tomorrow, most of the computing systems will be interconnected with what we now call “the cloud” and will be wireless connected to our work station that will either be, decentralized from home or centralized at home for everyone in the house, or probably even more, both centralized & decentralized in the same time…

In the near future, our web phone will be all the time connected to “the cloud” too, with no more music, video, or picture stored into the web phone, but on “the cloud”, and the streaming will be the future of our Walkman® or IPod® a little like an On-demand Radio Station!! Yes!! We Want It Or Not. The future will be… Will Be!! And a global IT license fee will be included in each IT purveyor, web mobile phone, or on-demand service subscription… We Want It Or Not…

We Want It… Or Not!!

Wrote on April 19, 2011.

LeChatdOsiris® / All Rights Reserved All Countries!!